Saturday, February 27, 2010

Reading List

This seems like a good place to start. I try to read a lot of books.

It's been more difficult than usual, what with business being crazy and all. It's also worth thanking the heavens/my parents for that eReader. English books in Bratislava are few and far between.

No matter what I read, I try to read it actively. Having a pen at hand (or stylus, should I be flipping through electronic pages) helps keep me engaged. I think about what I'm reading and apply it to work and my life. Here's my list of books read for 2010, so far:

At Bonus Time, No-one Can Hear You Scream - David Charters

The Greatest Show on Earth - Richard Dawkins

Accidental Billionaires- Ben Mezrich

Blink- Malcolm Gladwell

The 50th Law - Robert Greene

99 Ways to Increase Your Income - Frank Martin

The Richest Man in Babylon - George S. Clason

Save the Cat - Blake Snyder

The Design of Business - Roger Martin

Any suggestions of your own? I'd be delighted to hear them.

Friday, February 26, 2010

In The Beginning

Is where I now find myself.

I've been slogging away at this "Start-Up Game" for a few months now. In that time, where incredible frustration and extreme reward have consistently co-mingled, I have penned down my thoughts privately, almost on the daily. But I think I'm ready to move beyond the confines of my desktop Word document.

There exists an array of blogs, books and tweets from successful entrepreneurs. I read a number of them with indefatigably, and have learned an egregious amount. But I have struggled to find anybody reporting from the trenches, so to speak.

That's the niche that I will use this space to try and tackle. I'll rant about the occasional success and the plethora of failure that I experience each day, not to say that I'll be blogging each day. I will use this primarily as a tool to help me reflect on actions our business has taken and actions that we wish we hadn't taken. It is my hope that the perspective will be unique and add value to others out there who are in the midst of, or contemplating, blazing their own trail.

UPDATE: I need to add some value to this post, even if it's stolen value

UPDATE II: A little more stolen value.