Monday, March 1, 2010

Ideas are Irrelevant

You have a great idea for a business, do you? You're going to change the world, right? I hate to be the bearer of bad news (not really), but hear me now: Your idea doesn't matter.

This critically important notion was a particularly difficult lesson for me to learn. That's why I'm sharing it with you so early on, in the most nascent stages of this here internet blog. Personally speaking, I'm an idea man. I am easily excited and I love to think about big picture possibilities. I have approximately 12 million and 6 ideas for ways to change the world. Too bad I'm unable to implement most of them.

That's what it boils down to, friends: Implementation and action. If you can't make it happen, it won't translate to dollars. And dollars, are what this business thing is all about - at least in the beginning. If you don't have cashflow you don't have a business.

I implore you then, to stop spending your days daydreaming about a diverse plethora of lofty ideas. To start the meander down your path to start-up success, just zoom in on one of these great plans, preferably one that provides people in need, something of value (value being something that they will happily hand you "scrilla" for) and make it happen.

Coming up next: How to figure out if your idea has value, and strategies for making it happen. Stay tuned!

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